
Storage warehouses and cold storage doors: use and advantages

Doors for MIV cold rooms

Storage warehouses and doors for cold stores

Goods storage and preservation operations

Storage Warehouses

Storage warehouses are typical points that are part of a wider logistics network that allow all those operations of storage and conservation of goods within a specific warehouse and, consequently, can also contain different types of products including those relating to the food chain.

Storage warehouses are usually on behalf of third parties as they are not managed directly by the manufacturing companies, but by an external company that is interested in receiving, storing, possibly assembling and shipping the goods that have been received within the times requested by the customer.

Foodstuffs and storage warehouses

In the field of food goods, storage warehouses are of fundamental importance especially for those types of food which are highly perishable or which must undergo the so-called “cold chain”; they must therefore be equipped with cold rooms, both positive and negative, which can combine speed of sorting with quality maintenance.

Therefore, even the subdivision of the cold rooms (or areas within them) according to whether they must contain fresh, fruit and vegetables, meat or frozen foods, becomes of crucial importance especially for the handling and adequate conservation of foodstuffs; this may involve the creation of areas in front which allow, especially in the presence of negative temperature cells, to be able to let the personnel work without having any consequences on health.

The importance of industrial doors for cold stores

In this overall picture, doors consequently assume a truly crucial aspect. The choice of a certain type of door (e.g. sliding, on standard hinges, double hinges or strip curtains) determines in fact the smooth functioning of the entire logistics system which, as a primary objective, must always maintain the same product quality from the point of collection to the point of retail sale.

MIV Insulating Systems has in its catalog a very wide range of doors suitable for storage warehouses where inside there are cold rooms for freezing and positive temperature cold rooms.

In fact, storage inside cold rooms makes it possible to conserve large quantities of perishable goods in the most suitable storage conditions to avoid their deterioration by preventing any type of thermal shock from occurring which could alter all the organoleptic properties of the stored foods.

The cold rooms are closed by means of standard refrigerated doors, while the passage and sorting areas can be divided with striped curtains on the inside and by rapid roll-up doors in the openings that lead to the outside.

It is advisable, in this chapter, to open a paragraph on techniques and preventive measures for conservation, in order to minimize the possible risks that could affect food safety:

Food prevention and preservation techniques.

Freezing (freezing) is mainly used for food preservation by slowing down the enzymatic process. Applied above all in the domestic environment, the freezing temperature varies from -15/-18°C up to -30°C and in a rather long period of time, up to 24 hours. The water present in the food solidifies into medium/large sized crystals, slowing down the enzymatic process but without completely blocking it.

L’abbattimento(blast chilling) è mirato all’eliminazione di eventuali parassiti e larve nel prodotto, generalmente consumato crudo come il pesce, o per le carni suine. Used in professional catering, the food is brought very quickly, using blast chillers, to a temperature of -40°C. The reduced times prevent the cells from breaking, which instead occurs during slow freezing due to the formation of large ice crystals and causes the loss of nutrients, causes the loss of texture and taste of the food, favoring the conditions optimal for bacterial growth.

Freezing (deep-freezing) is aimed at medium- to long-term preservation of food.

It is an ultra-rapid and efficient freezing, applied only in the industrial field, in which the products reach the temperature between -18 and -30°C in a very short time. The rapidity of cooling determines the formation of micro-crystals of water which do not damage the biological structure of the food.

In conclusion, the respect and maintenance of the storage temperatures, “cold chain”, throughout the life cycle of the product, from preparation to packaging, from display and up to the sale, guarantees the customer optimal maintenance of the food and of its organoleptic properties, obviating the risk of hygiene and bacterial proliferation.

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